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TriUnity Strategies’ Values


Integrity is who we choose to be when no one is watching. Members of the TriUnity team strive to bring their best and most authentic self to every interaction.

An honest representation of reality allows for the most effective path forward – people with integrity help make this possible.

Integrity breeds trust, which allows working together to be possible.

Ownership Mentality

TriUnity expects to bring lasting results to organizations, engaging in support with other organizations as though the outcomes belong to TriUnity.

Owning outcomes and results breeds leadership and competence.

Members of TriUnity care about their role in outcomes


TriUnity believes that every individual contains unique and special stuff. Everyone deserves respect. None of us are more or less than the other. Everyone is simply at a point in their journey.

Respect means giving others the space to be where they are at in their journey without projection or judgement.

Take the space you need and give others theirs.


Perfection is impossible. Improvement is possible in every moment. TriUnity believes in identifying and solving problems.

Setting goals and measuring them regularly leads to beautiful outcomes and growth.


We beat the lions, bears, and tigers (not the sports teams) by figuring out how to work together, aka, community.

Humanity’s gift is the ability to work together and communicate. TriUnity strives to create environments of collaboration within the organizations and businesses we support.

We are better together



Triunity believes that optimal outcomes start with an accurate reflection of reality.

Understanding the reason why things happen gives us agency is creating change in the future.

Having this knowledge starts with the conscious attention on our actions and how they could improve.

Accountability is neither positive nor negative. Accountability is a function of attention and attribution of outcome

Being accountable for your wins can be just as important as your losses.

Growth starts with attention and ownership of outcome.


The path to success, growth, and achievement is not linear – Keep. Going.

When challenges are overcome, leaders shine. When they shine – others can see and follow, so they can learn to shine, too.

Life-Long Learning

TriUnity understands that learning allows individuals to grow and expand what they are capable of, as well as how they can contribute to the community at large

TriUnity values learning at all education levels, age groups, and within all domains.

Life long learners lead in a tremendous way by showing those around them it’s okay to not know

Learning is a skill, an ability, that can be sharpened to fit the needs of the learner.


Keeping the perspective of gratitude allows us to stay present in what we have. We may not always be where we want. Remembering the positive in what we have allows us to stay positive in our efforts forward.

True leadership requires positivity and strength. TriUnity believes gratitude is core for remaining resilient when things aren’t the way we wish they were

Gratitude also allows us to positively reflect on the wonderful things we have, have achieved, and that surround us.

Uncommon Honesty

Growth is rarely easy. Honesty leads to the most direct path to growth. TriUnity values openness and honesty – even in the face of discomfort.

Bringing forward and uncomfortable truth creates space for accountability and growth to be maximally possible.


We made it all up. Everything in life started as an idea and through the creative power of humanity it was brought forward

TriUnity knows that everyone has the capacity for creativity and will work to foster the creativity of all we do


Work together




Strategic Evaluations


Comprehensive Support


Change Management

Personal Development

Non-Profit Support

Health & Fitness Programs


Toledo, Ohio 43551, US

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